Sunday Afternoon at Central Park


On the last sunday during our holiday in NY, we decided to go for a short walk in Central Park, NYC. The last time I had been there was in 1989 and I remained at the edges of the park as it was not considered a safe place to go but I had been told that things have changed a lot, that over the last two decades there has been a substantial effort made to improve and preserve the sanctity of this park and it's now well worth the visit. It was a balmy and breezy afternoon, just the way I like it and I thought it would be a good day to check it out of myself. I am so glad I did. The park has completely changed and for the better. It is really well managed now. You could see that pride had returned to this place. I really enjoyed the walk there - the beautiful greenery, children playing on the laws, volleyball, cyclists, picnics on the green, exploring the local art fair, people having coffee and snacks at the park stands and coffee houses, people reading under the shade of the trees, music and laughter everywhere. What a marvelous change and so very welcome. A wonderful afternoon which I hope to repeat again in the future.